On my mind..
Life isn't about finding yourself
Its about creating yourself
So dawn goes down to day.
Nothing gold can stay.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
will work for love
11:30 PM

So here's one of my best kept secrets : I'm obsessively astrology mad. I'm the crazy girl who categorizes people by their sunsigns, instantly putting behaviours past and present into perspective with their birthdate. And to be perfectly honest, most of the time I am spot on. Unless they have some totally square ascendant or a natal chart that is opposed to their sunsign - which not knowing their time of birth (people would think it a bit rich- even coming from me - if I went about asking them not only their birth day but also their birth time) - in which case you usually get an idea since their characteristics won't fit their sunsign.

It naturally follows that I do the same with matters of the heart - I match up compatibilities - even before things have progressed beyond a flirtation. And no, I don't draw out weird symbols and get my cauldron out of my secret underground potion room. But a vague yes, no, maybe, probably too volatile type of response does stick to my mind.

And here is my problem - I am the only sunsign who is incapable of keeping my own matters to myself. I can keep someone else' secret like nobody's business but when it comes to keeping shut about my own problem - nuhuh. Someone needs to hear it - sis, friends, mum, colleagues. Someone. Virgos will keep it till they need to. Scorpions will keep it even when they don't need to. Taureans will keep it form everyone except the bestest friends, if any. But Geminis are filterless. For people who know us this is amusing and routine. For others, we come across as either too open, overly talkative and sometimes self-obsessed. Worse, it means we trust people with our secrets before knowing anything about them or about how trustable there are.

Essentially, we werein fact born yesterday. On each day of our lives. We live by the credo that everyone is good until proven evil. Unfortunately, I've got stung badly in the past 3 months by that. A certain Taurean had a whirlwind companionship with me - for lack of a word that lies between friendship and something else. A certain Virgo would have been amazing at hiding certain feelings but unfortunately knowing the birthdate and knowing Virgos very very well, I can see through most of the masquerade. A certain Scorpio - oh this man has really got me mad. He has been randomly giving off signals, and I merely responded knowing he flirts with everyone. Then he begins to get a bit one-on-one with the flirting. Fair enough. Harmless fun, he's not married, so why not have a little innuendo with a fellow sarky (the humour was incredible). Then he abruptly stops. Okay, say I. No biggie. Forgot about it. Then, a week later references the past conversations and says he still needs to find a suitable repartee to my exit line and some other back handed compliment that now escapes my mind. Starts up stuff again. I was thinking of a suitable response when voila! I find out from a colleague that the idiot has had a girlfriend the entire time! The entire time! I mean come on. That's just leading me on. First of all, shame on him. Poor girl must have no idea. Secondly, God alone knows how many other girls he does this with. And thirdly, I am so not replying to any of his emails or suspect remarks any more. I refuse to be that girl.

Why do guys do this? And they would never take it from the girlfriend. I know for a fact that I would never do it were I "unavailable". I know that men I know also know its wrong - it went way beyond the normal day to day flirting that has come to be accepted at the workplace. I cannot believe this guy is a scorpion. It flabbergasts me. Honest to God. Why must he spoil the name of the nice, sweet men of the world who for some Godforsaken reason have been avoiding me recently and more importantly, the fantastic astrological sunsign that is the Scorpio? Idiot.

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