Universe : What part of let go of men for a while don't you get, young lady?
Me : Huh..oooh look at that one, he's so sweet. Aw and he just gave that kid a toffee...
Universe : Ahem, excuse me, hi universe here. You gonna let go or what?
Me : Why should I? They haven't.
Universe : Its a test. You have to pass it and be ok with just enjoying life on your own. Not give in just to fill the gap.
Me : Oh come on that's not fair. You give me 5 fantastic years and then you say forget it. Its not that easy.
Universe : No, I'm saying if you stop thinking so much it'll happen on its own.
Me : Not good enough. I'm too devoted to something that I want. Look how hard I worked to make the last one make it so far. I will go and find it. There are so many idiots who seem to be in nice normal relationships. And I'm sorry but I know I'm smarter than most of those chicks.
Universe : And yet the cosmos does not allow you to complete any story you've been trying to push towards a happy ending. You'll end up find the mistaken treasure if you start searching for something that isn't ready for you yet.
Me : Oh don't get mysterious and new era spiritual on me, mister. I believed your astrology and destiny and meant to be nonsense and look where that got me. For once, I am taking matters into my own hands.
Universe : You can't take someone else's emotions into your hands. It won't work.
Me : Watch me.
Universe : Fine. I really need to leave anyway, Sarah Palin is planning to give that baby up for adoption.
Me : Whoa wait wait don't go. Um, so if I do actually ask you what I should do, will you tell me?
Universe : Nope.
Me : Huh?
Universe : If I told you everything for sure, where's the mystery?
Me : Oh God, please. You have got to be kidding me. Seriously, don't you like report to God or something. There must be laws. I'll file a complaint. You can't traipse in here and not give me straight answers. Is he ok with all this playing around with human's emotions?
Universe : You think we're playing. We're trying to explain to you that you have to surrender to the higher power and just let it be.
Me : Look can you stop with the subtleties already? So, what, I should get over just the concept of love?
Universe : Get over your concept of love. Listen, I'm really getting late..
Me : Ya, right. And then be all new age I love myself so much I don't need anyone...cmon. I might as well become a Sarah Jessica Parker fan. And be all if he was "into" you, he's have done something. Basically become a walking talking self help book cliche.
Universe : Sarah Jessica Parker?
Me : Yeah, blond chick, wears weird green hats with ikebana arrangements on her head to award ceremonies?
Universe : She's from an alternate universe. Not part of my jurisdiction.
Me : Hm. Figures. Hey where'd you...damn that Sarah Palin.